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Certified companies and products
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General publications
2BSvs: biomass biofuel, sustainability voluntary scheme
Biofuels & Biomass
Bonsucro protocol
Control Union Environmental Services
EHPEA - Bench-Marked with Global GAP
European Water Stewardship
Fish product auditing - Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
Food Safety (India)
Food Safety (Malaysia)
Food Safety certification
Forestry certification
Friend of the Sea Standard
Global Organic Latex Standard
Good Agricultural Practices
GTP Good Trading Practice
Halal-Qibla Food Control Standard
IFCC - Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation
IFIS (OVOCOM) Certification
ISO 14001 (KAN)
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems
ISO 22000 (Sri Lanka)
ISO 50001:2018 (SLAB)
ISO 9001 (KAN)
ISO 9001 SLAB - Quality Management System
ISPO - Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil
Legal Timber Verification
Malaysian standard for crude and processed palm oil MS814:2007
Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO)
Organic production
Pengelolaan Hutan Lestari (PHL)
Primus GFS
QMS and EMS Malaysia
Recycling Standards
Responsible Down Standard
Round Table on Responsible Soy
Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kelestarian
SNI Organik
Social / Fair Trade auditing and certification
Sustainable Tourism
Tesco Nurture
Textile certification
TLV (Timber Legallity Verification) standard.
trustea Code (India)
UTZ CERTIFIED for Coffee, Cocoa and Tea
Validation & Verification
Vegan Standard
Voedselveiligheid Akkerbouw
General Publications
Welcome to Control Union Certifications' publications area. You'll find here different publications which are not directly related to a certification program.
Terms and conditions Control Union Certifications
How certification works
(383.13 KB)
Rainforest Alliance inspection regulation
(0.17 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Pre-assessment Procedure and Fee
(0.14 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.52 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.38 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.43 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.43 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.41 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.4 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.42 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.42 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.4 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.41 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.38 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.41 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.38 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.4 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.43 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.38 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.97 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.97 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.81 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.47 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.41 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.48 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.98 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.44 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.64 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.43 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.98 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.97 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.59 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.97 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.99 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.41 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.42 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(1.02 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.35 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.97 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.97 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.39 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.39 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.22 KB)
Rainforest Alliance Applicable Law assessment
(0.77 KB)
Statement on corruption, bribery and fraud
(0.13 KB)
Statement of impartiality Control Union Certifications BV
(197.95 KB)
Control Union Terms of Contract
(0.07 KB)
Complaint and Appeal Form
(0.06 KB)
Complaints and appeal procedure
(0.81 KB)
Other contractual documents
Inspection Regulation
(556.81 KB)
Chapter_2__Additional_EU_Organic (updated)
(528.26 KB)
(431.47 KB)
Chapter 3 Additional USDA organic
(1200.13 KB)
(9.63 KB)
(34.91 KB)
(43.14 KB)
Inspection Regulations - PT.PCU Indonesia
(0.59 KB)
Audit regulations-PT. PCU Indonesia Additional General Rule for Friend of the Sea
(775.22 KB)
Terms of Contract - PT. PCU Indonesia
(316.36 KB)
PT. PCU Indonesia Impartiality Policy
(0.1 KB)
Complaint Form - CU Indonesia
(46.28 KB)
Singapore Terms of Contract- SAC Accreditation
(0.2 KB)
Singapore Complaint and Appeal Form
(0.06 KB)
Accreditation recognition documents
Foodplus Approval for GLOBALG.A.P.
(627.93 KB)
Registration by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
(0.11 KB)
Singapore - Statement of Impartiality Procedure
(0.13 KB)
Singapore - SAC - ISO 17065:2012 Accreditation
(81.48 KB)
Organic accreditation for Serbia
(380.03 KB)
EU organic accreditation for Bulgaria
(985.26 KB)
Member of IFOAM
(154.96 KB)
Accreditation by Turkak, Turkey
(111.69 KB)
IOAS ISO 17065 accreditation of Turkey
(556.85 KB)
IOAS GOTS accreditation of Turkey
(540.61 KB)
IOAS TE accreditation of Turkey
(538 KB)
Accreditation by the Ministry of Costa Rica
(1421.52 KB)
DAP accreditation organic for CU Germany
(484.94 KB)
registration by the Agricultural Ministry of Gutamala for Organic certification
(103.91 KB)
Accreditation by the Ministry of Honduras
(279.87 KB)
Authorization by PPIS for organic certification in Israel (Hebrew)
(311.1 KB)
Authorization by PPIS for organic certification in Israel (English)
(2519.46 KB)
Korean Organic Accreditation
(377.42 KB)
COSMOS accreditation of CU Korea by IOAS
(685.47 KB)
CAAQ (CARTV) Recognition of conformity Control Union Certifications (Skal International) 2009
(187.09 KB)
Recognition by Australian Certified Organic
(269.6 KB)
Equivalence agreement with Agriquality, New Zealand
(432.91 KB)
Control Union Sri Lanka
CUSL Impartiality Managment Procedures
(0.13 KB)
Policy for managing audits and certifications during COVID-19 period(SLAB accredited programs)
(149.01 KB)
SLAB -Client Assessment Manual -Annex 16
(0.19 KB)
SLAB -Client Assessment Manual -Annex 16
(0.44 KB)
Control Union North America Documents
Inspection Regulation CUCNA - Chapter 1 General
(679.58 KB)
Inspection Regulation CUCNA - Chapter 2 PGFS
(0.71 KB)
Accreditation Certificate CUC NA
(0.27 KB)
CU North America Terms of Contract
(127.98 KB)
Control Union India - Policy & Procedures
CU Inspections & Certifications India Pvt Ltd - Statement of Impartiality
(0.53 KB)
CU Inspections & Certifications India Pvt Ltd - Terms of Contract
(0.62 KB)
CU Inspections & Certifications India Pvt Ltd - Client Assessment Manual w.e.f 20-10-2020
(603.53 KB)
CU Inspections & Certifications India Pvt Ltd - Complaint or Appeal Registration Form
(0.06 KB)
CU Inspections India Pvt Ltd - Statement of Impartiality
(0.52 KB)
CU Inspections India Pvt Ltd - Terms of Contract
(0.62 KB)
CU Inspections India Pvt Ltd - Client Assessment Manual
(0.35 KB)
CU Inspections India Pvt Ltd - Complaint or Appeal Registration Form
(0.06 KB)
CU India - Certificates
ISO 17025:2017 Accreditation Certificate (AB: NABL)
(0.2 KB)
ISO 17020:2012 Accreditation Certificate (AB: ANAB)
(0.4 KB)
Membership Certificate - FOSFA
(0.28 KB)
Membership Certificate - FOSFA
(0.28 KB)
CU India - Textiles
ISO 17065 Accreditation Certificate (AB: IOAS)
(0.08 KB)
GOTS Accreditation Certificate (AB: IOAS)
(0.06 KB)
TE Accreditation Certificate (AB: IOAS)
(0.67 KB)
CU Inspections & Certifications India Pvt Ltd - Inspection Regulations Chapter Textiles
(642.55 KB)
CU India - Food Safety
FSMS Accreditation Certificate (AB: NABCB)
(1.02 KB)
CU Inspections & Certifications India Pvt Ltd - Audit Regulations Chapter ISO22000
(1.11 KB)
CU Inspections & Certifications India Pvt Ltd - Audit Regulations Chapter ISO22000
(0.44 KB)
CU India - Organic
NPOP Accreditation Certificate (AB: APEDA)
(229.98 KB)
COR Accreditation Certificate (AB: IOAS)
(0.71 KB)
CU Inspections India Pvt Ltd - Inspection Regulations Chapter NPOP w.e.f 28-11-22
(0.92 KB)
CU Inspections India Pvt Ltd - Inspection Regulations Chapter NPOP Inputs
(376.65 KB)
NPOP: List of Operators
NPOP List of Active Operators
(0.04 KB)
NPOP List of Withdrawn Operators
(0.01 KB)
NPOP List of Input Active Operators
(0.05 KB)
NPOP Input list of withdrawn operator
(0.01 KB)
Control Union Brazil - ACUC Documents
CUC BR Terms of Contract
(0.4 KB)
CUC BR Termos de Contrato
(0.24 KB)
CUC BR A16. Inspection Regulation
(0.57 KB)
CUC BR A16. Inspection Regulation
(0.2 KB)
CUC BR A16. Regulamento de Inspeção
(0.48 KB)
CUC BR A16. Regulamento de Inspeção
(0.21 KB)
CUC BR_ISO17065 Certificate
(0.29 KB)
CUC BR_ISO17065 Certificate Annex
(0.13 KB)
CUC BR_Bonsucro Recog. Letter
(0.29 KB)
Information request