UTZ CERTIFIED for Coffee, Cocoa and Tea
Under the UTZ CERTIFIED program the production and processing of coffee, cocoa and tea can be certified.
UTZ CERTIFIED Producers comply with the Code of Conduct. This is an internationally recognized set of economic, social and environmental criteria for responsible coffee, cocoa and/or Tea production. The commodity produced according to these Codes meet criteria for responsible production, such as protection of labour rights, responsible use of agrochemicals, standards for efficient farm management and access to education and health care.
The program is complemented by a state-of-the-art Track-and-Trace system. It allows brands, retailers and their end-consumers to always trace back where the product in question was produced, and provides them with the assurance that it comes from responsible producers.
Documents: The Certification Protocol presents the certification procedures for Certification Bodies and coffee organizations registered with UTZ CERTIFIED (i.e. producers, traders, roasters) using the Code of Conduct, the Chain of Custody requirements, and/or the Logo Use Requirements.
The Code of Conduct is an internationally recognized set of economic, social and environmental criteria for responsible coffee production.
The Chain of Custody Requirements are a set of administrative and technical ground rules that are designed to provide a high level of confidence that certified coffee originates from a certified source. UTZ CERTIFIED distinguishes a set of Chain of Custody Requirements for Origin Countries and one for Destination Countries.
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