The production rules for EU organic production and for inspection and certification have been laid down in the EU Regulation No. 834/2007 and 889/2008 and in their amendments. This Regulation is in force within the European Union countries, but also sets criteria for importing organic products from outside the European Union. CUC production standards for outside the EU is based on these regulation and accredited as equivalent.
What can we offer
Control Union Certifications, is accredited by RVA and listed by the EU Commission as equivalent CB for several countries outside the EU (XX-BIO-149) and in the EU (BG-BIO-07) and . Under this accreditation Control Union Certifications can perform inspections and certifications of farms, farmer groups (outside EU) , processors, traders / exporters and wild collection for practically all product categories.
For more information about the EU organic standards and the import scheme please follow the link below 'Organic production publications'
How does it work?
The application form available on the website can be filled and sent to organic at in order to enable us send you an offer letter along with the terms for certification. Once you return the signed copy of the offer letter as your acceptance for certification and pay the prescribed fees, Control Union certifications will plan audit to verify the compliance against the standards.
After all the necessary inspections have been fulfilled Control Union Certifications shall provide you with a report of findings and in case of meeting the requirements grant you a certificate. For more information please contact us:
Head office: organic (at) Bulgarian office : mnikolova (at)