FFP is an initiative aiming to stimulate sales of sustainably produced flowers and plants worldwide. Sustainable cultivation means that flowers and plants are cultivated with consideration for high demands in the fields of environment and social aspects. The FFP label gives the consumer the guarantee that the products that he has bought satisfy these demands and have been produced with respect for people and nature. Part of FFP is in fact a tracing system that guarantees the origin and cultivation method of the products.
To gain FFP certification, the producer should comply with the following requirements; 1. Certification for the social requirement: International Code of Conduct (ICC) or comparable scheme satisfying the ICC requirements e.g. Control Union Fair Choice. 2. Certification for the environmental requirements: MPS A or equivalent level. MPS B or equivalent level is permitted if MPS A or equivalent is reached within one year. 3. Register with Fair Flowers Fair Plants via internet and sign the FFP conditions http://www.fairflowersfairplants.com/en/register.aspx.
The Social and Fair Trade Standard from Control Union Certifications, named “CU Fair Choice”, is a comparable scheme satisfying the ICC requirements. This standard covers the human, social, environmental and economic principles which are needed for FFP certification. In order to get certified, enterprises should meet a minimum percentage of compliance with the standard. Being certified by Control Union Certifications for the CU Fair Choice standard, it is proven that the producer is committed to sustainable development and improvement of social conditions, meeting the demands of conscious consumers. The number of certified producers and demanding retailers / traders, is increasing globally and thereby creating new market possibilities.
In order to start with CU Fair choice, an application form can be downloaded from our website or requested for by e-mail certification@controlunion.com. Based on the information provided, Control Union Certifications will send you a non obligated offer. In case you have accepted the offer, we will start up the certification process.