Booking verification REV The new Renewable Energy Transport Regulations came into effect on 1 January 2015. A new part of this Regulation is the booking verification, as a compulsory part for companies that register in the Energy for Transport Register (REV) in the context of their annual obligation. The annual obligation relates to petrol, diesel, liquid biofuels and / or liquid renewable fuels that have been delivered to road vehicles or rail vehicles in the Netherlands. The mandatory share of renewable energy in 2015 is 6.25%, gradually increasing to 16,4% in 2020. The annual obligation is expressed in Renewable Fuel Units (HBEs). An HBE represents 1 GJ of renewable energy supplied to transport in the Netherlands. The NEa (Dutch Emissions Authority) requires a verification statement from an independent verifier. This must demonstrate that the renewable energy booked in meets all legal requirements and is also linked to a sustainability certification. The possible application of double-counting biofuels can also form part of the verification statement.
Control Union can provide you with the independent assessment and verification statement. The verification takes place after the close of the financial year but before 1 April of the following year. After completion of the verification you will receive a verification statement and report.