As from the end of 2009 the ministerial regulation double counting of better biofuels is in force. This regulation is aimed at enabling companies placing petrol and diesel on the Dutch market, to count certain biofuels twice in their bio fuel obligations. This way a company that fulfils it obligation for blending in biofuels completely by use of these better bio fuels, may suffice by blending in 2.5 percent bio fuels instead of 5 percent.
The double counting of bio fuels is described in paragraph 6 of the Regulation on Renewable Energy in Transport, which replaced the ministerial regulation double counting of better biofuels of 2009. The paragraph concerns bio fuels produced from waste material, residual material and ligno cellulosis. Only raw materials for which no alternative, higher-value application is available other than generation of electricity or heat, composting or utilization of the ligno cellulosis part for animal feed, are eligible for double counting. Where there is an alternative application for a raw material, it has to be demonstrated, by means of a market survey, to the Nederlandse Emissieautoriteit (NEa) that there is a surplus, in order to considered for double counting.
To demonstrate eligibility for double counting, companies must send information to NEa on an annual basis, as part of the reporting obligation regarding the mandatory market participation bio fuels. With that a so-called declaration of verification has to be included. Such a declaration is issued by an inspection body, like Control Union Certifications. That declaration is based on the application of Verification Protocol for the Double Counting of Biofuels, as adopted by Control Union Certifications and published on this website.
The verification consists of two stages. In the first phase, the auditor will collect all information needed for the verification at the producer (and possibly suppliers), he or she will visit the production site and will edit a risk analysis and a verification plan. In phase 2 the actual review will take place. If all requirements are met, a declaration of verification is issued.