The generation of energy from biomass has lately often been associated with land-use competition, increasing commodity prices and deforestation of rainforest. To overcome this deficit, policy has launched initiatives to help to differentiate biomass for energy production. This shall avoid unwanted ecological and social side effects of the extending biomass production in various regions of the world. Certification is an instrument to distinguish sustainable products from non-sustainable ones on the market. It puts customers in the position to opt deliberately for sustainability and greenhouse gas reduction. Hence, certification supports responsible farms and reduces the risk of disadvantageous undertakings. ISCC is a RED approved certification system allowing a differentiation of sustainable biomass products from non-sustainable ones including the greenhouse gas emissions at the different stages of the value chain. ISCC System GmbH has obtained the first recognition as Certification System for Biomasses and Bioenergies for the German Biomass Ordinance. ISCC is also one of the first EU approved system to show compliance with the RED requirements allover Europe.