Safety and quality of Home, Laundry and Personal Care Products (HPC) is a global concern. Globalization of HPC production and procurement makes supply chains longer and more complex, increases the risks of incidents and adds unnecessary costs to the supply chain. The Scheme is intended for the auditing and certification of HPC safety and quality management systems.
Following scope sectors are applicable for the certification; Sector A- The manufacturing of Home Care products (e.g. detergents, fabric softener, dish washing tablets etc.) Sector B -The manufacturing of Personal Care products (e.g. shampoo, lipsticks, cotton pads, soap) Sector C- (Bio)Chemical manufacturing (HPC ingredients e.g. vitamins, additives and bio-extracts (but excluding technical and technological aids of the manufacturing process) Sector D- The manufacturing of HPC product packaging (e.g. direct, indirect contact with the HPC products).
The certification cycle of HPC 420 Safety and Quality Management System is three years (3 years) consisting of an initial audit of two stages (stage 1, and stage 2) followed by a minimum annual surveillance audit. Surveillance audits are carried out at least once a year. The date of the first surveillance takes place at last 12 months from the last day of the initial audit.
Where successful, a HPC 420 Safety and Quality Management System will be granted with a validity of three years, and your certification status will appear on the HPC 420 database and at Control Union Certifications website. For more information please contact your local CUC office.